A restaurant in Tulum appears to have vanilla. It would have to be pretty resilient, as it is right in centro. I can ask the owner about it if you guys want me to ask. The last time I ate there, a cat appeared who seemed to know I ordered pescado Veracruzando. I had to have flan for protein as almost all my fish went under the table. Either of the Nesbits are welcome to look into how things are working in this chaotic place.

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What restaurant is that? I am familiar with Tulum, both centro and playa. Can check out the vanilla next time I'm there. Vanilla is an agroforestry vine and does well in shaded polycultures such as cacao, breadfruit, and moringa. Not sure it is best grown in urban areas. Pollination is a key factor. I may start some in N. QRoo where I am growing 60+ traditional Mayan food and medicinal plants.

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Do you know Charlies, next to buses? I could bd mistaken, but pretty sure I saw one there. Don Diego de la Selva, where food for meliponas grows wild, is now Casa Don Diego, I think. Both are on norte side of 307. Sud side is having die-off of bees probably for reasons of towers.

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Jun 1Liked by Albert Bates

It is illegal to kill bees. A friend near Italdo is having bomberos come to get bees out of a wall.

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