The blog is great Albert. Yet where in the world have you seen or read that AMLO denies climate change? You think MORENA would have had Claudia Sheinbaum as Mexico mayor and now presidenta if that was their position? She has been second of AMLO for years... , AMLO has promoted renewable energies for years. Again, where is in the world did you get this information? His father worked in petroleum? So what, I wrote my PhD on cycling in citiess and my father sold cars. See my book Cyclopolis, ville nouvelle (in French)

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HIs father was a small business person, not invoved with petroleum. I heard AMLO say it, and, that is what wikipedia says. This needs a correction Albert.

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Benoit: Please see: https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/can-mexicos-sheinbaum-climate-scientist-shake-lopez-obradors-oil-legacy-2024-06-04/

In an attempt to become self-sufficient with an energy program entirely centered on Pemex, already long past peak oil, López Obrador launched a megarefinery in Dos Bocas, in the state of Tabasco, and in December 2021 he bought the total shareholding of the Deer Park refinery in Texas, of which Pemex already had half ownership. As a result, the refining capacity of Mexico's six refineries (860,000 barrels per day) added to that of the Texas plant (340,000) and the Dos Bocas refinery (with a planned capacity of 340,000) will just barely cover Mexico's oil needs in 2024 (assuming no further growth). But it comes at the cost of 9 billion dollars of debt he left to Claudia, which will hamstring any efforts to undo that disastrous course. Just imagine what 9 billion spent on solar and wind could have brought. López Obrador had exactly zero interest in investment in renewable energy. He dismantled most of the programs begun by his predecessor and focused almost entirely on drill baby drill. https://en.unav.edu/web/global-affairs/la-coyuntura-y-el-estatismo-de-lopez-obrador-lastran-la-apertura-petrolera-de-mexico

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